
World Hepatitis Day

2024-07-22T13:09:51+00:00July 22nd, 2024|Direct Primary Care, Family Medicine, Family Practice, Health Care, Public Health|

What is hepatitis? Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver which can lead to cirrhosis.

On world hepatitis day, we are raising awareness about viral hepatitis. Here’s what you need to know:

What are the types of Viral Hepatitis?

  • Hepatitis A (HAV): Spread through contaminated food/water; preventable with a vaccine.
  • Hepatitis B (HBV): Transmitted through bodily fluids; can be chronic and severe. Vaccination is crucial.
  • Hepatitis C (HCV): Spread via blood contact; often chronic but treatable with antiviral medications.
  • Hepatitis D (HDV): Occurs with HBV infection; prevented by HBV vaccination.
  • Hepatitis E (HEV): Spread through contaminated water; usually acute and self-resolving.

We know that education is part of making informed medical decisions. Partner to learn more.

What are the Symptoms?

  • Jaundice (yellowing skin/eyes)
  • Fatigue
  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea
  • Dark urine

How is Hepatitis Prevented?

  • Vaccination: Available for HAV and HBV.
  • Hygiene: Handwashing, safe food/water.
  • Safe Practices: Use condoms, avoid sharing needles.

Looking for a more personalized approach to your healthcare?

Cost-Effective Medications

2024-07-15T12:52:47+00:00July 15th, 2024|Direct Primary Care, Family Medicine, Family Practice, Health Care, Public Health|

Your Medications Should Be Affordable

Medications do not need to be expensive.

We know that medication costs have soared, often leaving patients struggling to afford them. At Roots Health DPC, we’re simplifying access to affordable medications. Here’s how:

  • We purchase medications at wholesale prices and pass the savings directly to our patients.
  • We eliminate the middleman to ensure our patients get their medications at the lowest possible cost.

This approach has reduced prescription costs by 50% to 90% for our patients.

A Selection of example Medications Available for Less Than $5 Per Month:









We provide direct access to medications at reduced prices.

A Simple Solution for a “Complex” Problem

Our approach at Direct Primary Care (DPC) is centered on delivering comprehensive healthcare directly to our patients. We prioritize offering medications at reduced rates to ensure convenience for essential treatments for your health needs. Our expertise allows us to collaborate closely with you to identify the medications tailored to your health conditions.

Discover healthcare centered around YOU.

Panic Attacks

2024-07-08T12:57:11+00:00July 8th, 2024|Family Medicine, Family Practice, Health Care, Public Health|

Recognizing Panic Attacks

July 10th is Panic Attack Awareness Day… the right time to understand and talk about panic attacks. These sudden episodes of intense anxiety can be alarming and confusing if you have not experienced it before.

Knowing the signs is the first step to managing them.

Recognizing the Signs… you might feel…

a rapid heartbeat

sweating/ trembling

shortness of breath or chest pain

nausea or dizziness

a fear of losing control.

We help… so that you can live the life you want to live on your terms.

Managing Panic Attacks

While we all experience stress, overwhelming anxiety/recurrent attacks is not something to ignore. Some action items if you are struggling include:

  1. Deep Breathing: Slow, deep breaths calm your system in the moment.
  2. Stay Grounded: Focus on your surroundings as it occurs.
  3. Learn More: Understanding reduces fear and education is critical.
  4. Seek Help: Talk to your trusted physician to develop a plan that works for you.

At Roots Health DPC… we help you get to well again.

UV Safety Awareness Month

2024-07-01T12:51:24+00:00July 1st, 2024|Direct Primary Care, Families, Family Medicine, Family Practice, Health Care, Public Health|

Stay Safe in the Sun!

July is UV Safety Awareness Month, and with summer here, it’s the time to protect yourself and your loved ones from harmful UV rays.

Stay sun-safe this July with our essential UV protection tips!

Why UV Safety Matters?

UV radiation from the sun can cause skin damage and increase the risk of skin cancer. Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the U.S., with over 5 million cases annually.

Tips to Stay Safe:

  1. Wear Protective Clothing: Use hats, UV-blocking sunglasses, and long-sleeved shirts.
  2. Use Sunscreen: Apply SPF 30+ and reapply every two hours.
  3. Seek Shade: Stay out of direct sunlight, especially from 10 AM to 4 PM.
  4. Avoid Tanning Beds: They increase skin cancer risk.
  5. Regular Skin Exams: Check for new or unusual skin changes.

Protecting your skin is crucial, regardless of skin tone. To learn about how we do health care centered around you… visit us at Roots Health DPC.

You deserve a great health care experience!

What exactly is PREDIABETES?

2024-06-24T12:57:12+00:00June 24th, 2024|Direct Primary Care, Family Medicine, Family Practice, Health Care, Public Health|

What is prediabetes? Who is at risk?
A look at the myths about diabetes.

Around 96 million American adults, which is over one-third of the population, have prediabetes. More than 80% of these individuals are unaware of their condition. Most people are not informed that regular screening is necessary.

What are the risks associated with having prediabetes?

Prediabetes greatly raises the likelihood of progressing to type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Understanding this condition is crucial for prevention and management.

The positive aspect is that prediabetes, which can be readily identified through blood tests, can be managed with lifestyle adjustments to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes and other major health issues.

Prediabetes is more common than you think.

Let’s debunk a few prevalent myths about diabetes today.

Myth: Being at a healthy weight means you’re not at risk for diabetes.

Obesity and being overweight are linked to various health issues and raise the risk of type 2 diabetes. However, maintaining a healthy weight doesn’t make you immune to the disease, as even those at a healthy weight can develop diabetes.

Myth: Since no one in my family has diabetes, I won’t get it.

Having a close relative with type 2 diabetes raises your likelihood of developing it. However, the risk also increases as you age. Individuals with heart disease, high blood pressure, and those who are overweight or obese have a higher risk, irrespective of family history. While you cannot alter your family history or age, adopting a healthy lifestyle can reduce your risk.

Myth: It is impossible to take any measures to prevent diabetes.

While genetics contribute to your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, lifestyle decisions are crucial in its prevention. Keeping a healthy weight, engaging in regular exercise, and making dietary improvements can lower your diabetes risk. Smoking impairs insulin use, so avoiding smoking can reduce your risk. Additionally, alcohol consumption can affect your risk.

Let’s look at your individual wellness objectives.

Migraine Headaches

2024-06-17T13:00:50+00:00June 17th, 2024|Direct Primary Care, Families, Family Medicine, Family Practice, Health Care, Public Health, Uncategorized|

Is it a Migraine Headache?

Migraines typically result in throbbing pain on one side of the head and are frequently associated with nausea, vomiting, and heightened sensitivity to light and sound. These attacks can persist for hours to days, significantly impacting daily activities.

What is an Aura?

A warning sign, known as an aura, can precede the headache. An aura may involve visual disturbances like flashes of light or other sensations such as tingling in the face, arm, or leg, or even difficulty speaking.

Risk Factors for Migraines

  • Family history: If you have a family member with migraines, then you have a good chance of developing them too.
  • Sex. Women are three times more likely than men to have migraines..
  • Age. Most people have their first migraine during adolescence, but migraines can start at any age, usually before age 40.
  • Hormonal changes. Headaches can begin around menstruation. They can change during pregnancy or menopause. Migraines generally improve after menopause.

Board-certified physician care at your fingertips. Text your medical concerns when you’re not well.

Triggers for Migraines

  • Certain Drinks and Foods . Alcohol and excess caffeine can trigger migraines.
  • Stress triggers migraines. Stress includes feeling overwhelmed at home or work. But you can also become stressed by exercising too much or not getting enough sleep.
  • Senses: Loud sounds, bright lights , or strong smells may trigger migraines.
  • Hormonal changes. Fluctuations in estrogen, such as around menstrual periods, pregnancy and menopause can worsen migraines.
  • Illness. Infections, such as the cold or the flu, may trigger migraines, especially in children.
  • Weather changes. A change of weather or barometric pressure can prompt a migraine.
  • Medications. Some medications, including oral contraceptives, can trigger migraines

Keeping a Journal of your migraine symptoms can be a key to treatment planning.

Do you appreciate easy access to a trusted, board-certified physician for high-quality care?

Family Health and Fitness Day

2024-06-10T12:59:53+00:00June 10th, 2024|Direct Primary Care, Families, Family Medicine, Family Practice, Health Care, Public Health|

Family Health & Fitness Day:

Prioritizing Wellness Together

Let’s celebrate Family Health & Fitness Day. Roots Health DPC, is committed to promoting prevention and wellness within our community. We believe that engaging in regular physical activity and making healthy lifestyle choices are essential components of overall well-being. Instilling these values in the next generation… by participating together… can have enormous impact.

Discover the benefits of healthy lifestyle choices.

Looking for some ideas to kickstart your family’s journey to better health?

1. Get creative: build an obstacle course in your backyard, host a water balloon fight, pull out the slip-and-slide. Ask others to join in on the fun for some healthy competition to engage in teamwork and physical activity.

2. Take a walk in the forest: Enjoy the outdoors while getting some exercise by taking a walk at your nearest trails. Incorporate physical activity into your day while spending quality time together as a family.

3. Find a fun activity: Engage in seasonal activities like going to a pool or water park, visiting the lakefront, spending time outside. Enjoy and provide opportunities for physical movement and bonding.

4. Sign up for a 5K or fun run: Participating in a 5K is a great way to encourage physical fitness within the family and foster a sense of accomplishment for everyone involved.

5. Go on a bike ride: Explore your neighborhood or nearby bike paths on a family bike ride. Biking is a fantastic low-impact exercise that can be enjoyed by all ages and fitness levels.

6. Contact your health club: Many health clubs and gyms host special events for Family Health & Fitness Day. These events offer an opportunity for families to try out new activities and connect with others in the community.

Wellness and prevention is how we roll.

We think of Family Health & Fitness Day as the beginning of a family commitment to stay more active year round. In addition to regular visits with your doctor and a balanced diet, staying active together is the best way to ensure the health and well-being of your family for years to come.
Let’s prioritize wellness, together!

World Brain Tumor Awareness

2024-06-03T13:00:56+00:00June 3rd, 2024|Direct Primary Care, Family Medicine, Health Care, Public Health|

June 8th: World Brain Tumor Awareness Day. This day carries a personal significance, as I remember our loss and my mother-in-law, Sally, who developed glioblastoma which ultimately took her life.

Without medical training, most would likely not recognize the significance of early subtle neurological symptoms. In fact, when symptoms of slightly worsening memory or inability to recall words quickly or even just “not acting like Mom does” develop…. it is time to seek expert medical advice. We were grateful to have treatment options and time with Sally after her diagnosis.

When it comes to your health you will have no better advocate than a Direct Primary Care Physician. We serve as your trusted ally In the world of healthcare: providing convenient, high-quality care as if you have a “doctor in your family.” This becomes especially important when navigating complex conditions like brain tumors. With a personalized approach to healthcare that prioritizes the patient-provider relationship you truly have a trusted ally in your healthcare journey, providing support, guidance, and peace of mind whenever you need it.

Roots Health DPC: spreading awareness, advocating for accessible care, and supporting research efforts.

Making a Difference: On World Brain Tumor Awareness Day, let’s honor the memory of loved ones like Sally and support those currently facing this challenge. By spreading awareness, advocating for accessible care for all, and supporting research efforts… we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of many.

Let us be your trusted ally in navigating health and wellness.

Osteoporosis Month

2024-05-20T14:18:37+00:00May 20th, 2024|Adults, Direct Primary Care, Family Medicine, Health Care, Public Health|

Stronger Bones: Your Path to Vitality

As we journey through life, our bones form the sturdy framework that supports us. But did you know that maintaining good bone health goes beyond just avoiding fractures? This May, as we recognize National Osteoporosis Month, let’s delve into the secrets of achieving resilient bones and vibrant living.

It’s easy to think of bone health as something to worry about later in life. However, waiting until then might be too late. Peak bone mass, crucial for strong bones as we age, is built in our twenties and thirties.

That means the choices we make today profoundly impact our future.

Dive into the depths of your health!

But fret not! Building strong bones isn’t rocket science. Simple lifestyle changes can make a world of difference. A balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, along with regular weight-bearing exercises like walking or dancing, can significantly boost bone strength.

Taking charge of your bone health isn’t just about avoiding fractures; it’s about embracing a life of vitality and independence. Imagine being able to explore new places, or simply enjoy a stroll in the park without worry.

But where do you start? The first step is finding a healthcare provider who understands the importance of bone health and can guide you on your journey. Seek out a doctor who not only diagnoses and treats but also educates and empowers. Together, you can develop a personalized plan to unlock your strongest, healthiest self.

So, this National Osteoporosis Month, let’s embark on a journey toward stronger bones and brighter tomorrows. Take the first step today, and let your bones be the foundation for a life filled with vitality and joy. Your future self will thank you for it!

Discover the healthcare experience you’re entitled to.

National Women’s Health

2024-05-13T13:27:07+00:00May 13th, 2024|Adults, Family Medicine, Health Care, Public Health|

Forward Focus:

Empowering Women for Healthier Futures

In the hustle and bustle of life, prioritizing our health often takes a back seat. But now is the time to reclaim control and invest in our well-being. Over recent years, many individuals have postponed crucial health appointments, leading to potential health concerns.

Our integrative approach guarantees that you get the support you deserve.

To ensure a brighter future, here are actionable steps you can take:

  1. Schedule Your Annual Physical and Health Appointments: Don’t delay any longer. Prioritize preventive care, including essential screenings and discussions about mental health.
  2. Maintain a Healthy Weight: Consult with your doctor to set realistic health goals tailored to your individual needs. Focus on achieving and maintaining a healthy weight to reduce the risk of various health conditions.

Join us in embracing a forward focus on health.

No waiting. Healthcare delivered when you need it.
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