What is prediabetes? Who is at risk?
A look at the myths about diabetes.

Around 96 million American adults, which is over one-third of the population, have prediabetes. More than 80% of these individuals are unaware of their condition. Most people are not informed that regular screening is necessary.

What are the risks associated with having prediabetes?

Prediabetes greatly raises the likelihood of progressing to type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Understanding this condition is crucial for prevention and management.

The positive aspect is that prediabetes, which can be readily identified through blood tests, can be managed with lifestyle adjustments to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes and other major health issues.

Prediabetes is more common than you think.

Let’s debunk a few prevalent myths about diabetes today.

Myth: Being at a healthy weight means you’re not at risk for diabetes.

Obesity and being overweight are linked to various health issues and raise the risk of type 2 diabetes. However, maintaining a healthy weight doesn’t make you immune to the disease, as even those at a healthy weight can develop diabetes.

Myth: Since no one in my family has diabetes, I won’t get it.

Having a close relative with type 2 diabetes raises your likelihood of developing it. However, the risk also increases as you age. Individuals with heart disease, high blood pressure, and those who are overweight or obese have a higher risk, irrespective of family history. While you cannot alter your family history or age, adopting a healthy lifestyle can reduce your risk.

Myth: It is impossible to take any measures to prevent diabetes.

While genetics contribute to your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, lifestyle decisions are crucial in its prevention. Keeping a healthy weight, engaging in regular exercise, and making dietary improvements can lower your diabetes risk. Smoking impairs insulin use, so avoiding smoking can reduce your risk. Additionally, alcohol consumption can affect your risk.

Let’s look at your individual wellness objectives.