
holiday stress

2024-01-20T20:07:12+00:00December 16th, 2023|Adults, Direct Primary Care, Health Care, Public Health, Uncategorized|

5 Tips for a Stress-Free Holiday Season

I am at the point in my life where I Just want soak up and enjoy the holidays with my family as much as I can. I don’t want to spend time with any negative energy.

Let us help you live a stress-free life.

Check out Roots Health Direct Primary Care!

The following are by best tips for doing just that:

1. Adjust Expectations:

Don’t aim for perfection. Families evolve, traditions change. Feelings are not facts…focus on what truly matters and allow yourself the space to process those feelings.

Maintain Healthy Habits:

Keep basic routines intact to avoid holiday chaos. Prioritize:

  • Sufficient sleep
  • Balanced meals
  • Moderate alcohol consumption
  • Regular physical activity
  • Any relaxation techniques: breathing, meditation, or yoga.

2. Prioritize Self-Care:

Carve out time for yourself first. Engage in activities that bring joy, be it a walk or getting a massage. This rejuvenating practice can give you the boost you need to handle holiday demands.

3. Learn to Say “No”:

It’s okay to decline invitations or activities beyond your capacity. Remember, ‘No’ is a complete sentence. If overwhelmed, remove less essential tasks from your agenda to free up time for more self-care.

4. Seek Support:

Reach out to trusted friends, family, or even a therapist. Utilize coping tools to process feelings. Remember, you’re never alone.

HPV: Do you know the FACTS?

2023-11-07T08:35:42+00:00November 6th, 2023|Adults, Direct Primary Care, Families, Family Medicine, Family Practice, Health Care, Public Health|


70-80% of women will have Human Papilomaviurs, HPV, at some point in their lifetime. If it’s so common…. why does it matter?

HPV, is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI) and HPV can cause cervical cancer.

So what can you do about it?

Putting CARE back in Health Care

What are the symptoms of HPV?
Most people with HPV do not have any symptoms which is why women need Pap smears.
HPV can sometimes cause genital warts. Some strains can cause cervical cancer.
Who should get tested for HPV at the time of their pap smear?
  • Most women younger than 30 do not get HPV testing, because the immune system often eradicates HPV. However, if their pap is abnormal an HPV test may be indicated.
  • Women 30 years or older, can be offered HPV test and Pap together to screen for cervical cancer.
How can I prevent HPV?
Get the HPV vaccine early, before age 26.
Avoid sexual contact and limit number of total partners.
Do I still need a Pap test if I got the HPV vaccine?
Yes. This is why:
  • Although the HPV vaccine protects against many of the HPV types that cause cervical cancer, it does not prevent all HPV types that cause cervical cancer.
  • You might not be fully protected if you did not get all the vaccine doses (or at the recommended ages).
  • You might not fully benefit from the vaccine if you were vaccinated after getting one or more types of HPV.

Looking for a doctor you know and trust that is easy to access?

Open Enrollment is Here

2023-10-30T14:03:30+00:00October 30th, 2023|Direct Primary Care, Family Medicine, Family Practice, Health Care, Public Health, Special Offer, Uncategorized|

What Your Open Enrollment is Missing!

Year after year, we pay more for our health insurance and receive less. Frustrated and overwhelmed trying to obtain the care needed and getting it covered by insurance… many have resigned themselves to the status quo. But we all deserve better. With open enrollment around the corner… now you have another choice.

Can you imagine if getting the care you needed was as easy as sending a text message to your doctor? What if you had an advocate to help you navigate and ensure your well-being was the top priority. We are putting the care back into healthcare and giving you all the power to make choices that will benefit your health and well-being. It’s time to get what you are paying for.


At Roots Health DPC, we help patients plan ahead, calculate projected yearly expenses, and choose an option that will save on out-of-pocket insurance costs while providing higher quality personalized care.


Direct Primary Care eliminates the hassle of traditional insurance-based care. With a low monthly fee, you gain direct access to the vast majority of your health care services. Enjoy more time with your physician, same-day and next-day appointments. No copays or hidden fees. Work directly with your DPC physician to obtain tremendous savings on all medications, labs, and imaging.

This year during open enrollment, let’s look at ALL your options.

Choose the best plan to meet your healthcare needs:
It’s your money.
It’s your healthcare.
It’s your choice.

Obtain the health care you deserve.

Don’t miss your opportunity this time around. Join the Roots Health DPC family today!

Early detection saves lives

2023-10-23T13:30:48+00:00October 23rd, 2023|Adults, Direct Primary Care, Families, Family Medicine, Family Practice, Health Care, Public Health|

Breast Cancer Warning Signs

Breast Cancer Screening is for women without symptoms. However, if you notice any signs of breast cancer you should see your doctor for an evaluation promptly regardless of when you were last screened.

Our patients have unlimited access. Anything. Anytime. Anywhere.

The warning signs of Breast Cancer:

1. If you notice a lump that feels firm or fixed in the breast or underarm area.

2. Swelling, warmth, redness or darkening of the breast skin.

3. Change in the size or shape of the breast including dimpling or puckering of skin.

4. Nipple retraction or change in position of nipple.

5. Discharge from your nipple.

Although the vast majority of breast cancers are found through abnormal mammograms, up to 30% of breast cancer patients present with a mass that occurs between mammograms.

Being proactive in your health choices improves your well-being.

Your Breast Cancer Screening Plan

2023-10-16T12:52:45+00:00October 16th, 2023|Adults, Direct Primary Care, Family Medicine, Family Practice, Health Care|

Breast Cancer Awareness Month – Screening

One out of eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Do you know which screening test is best and when to start screening for breast cancer?

We are fostering awareness and prioritizing breast health.

There are many different screening tests for breast cancer and are varying recommendations from different organizations. Education with individualized planning (based on your personal risk for breast cancer) can help determine the best screening test for you.

-Mammography is the most common screening test for breast cancer
A mammogram is a low-dose X-ray of your breasts and can find cancer early.
Different experts have varying advice for when to initiate screening and how frequently to screen average-risk women ages 40 to 49. Everyone agrees that minimum screening should occur at least every 2 years between ages of 50-74.
For average-risk women screening mammography can be performed every one to two years based on patient preference.
-Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be used to screen women who have a high risk of breast cancer
MRI is a procedure that uses a magnet, radio waves, and a computer to make a series of detailed pictures. MRI does not use any x-rays and there is no exposure to radiation.
Ultrasound is used in women with moderately increased risk factors (based on breast density, reproductive history, and hormonal history), breast ultrasound in conjunction with mammogram or a MRI can be considered on an individual basis.

Empower Your Breast Health: Discover the Best Screening Options

Breast Cancer Awareness

2023-10-09T15:41:49+00:00October 9th, 2023|Adults, Direct Primary Care, Family Medicine, Health Care, Public Health|

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Many of us have been touched by knowing someone with breast cancer. It is, after all, is the most frequently diagnosed cancer and leading cause of cancer death in women.

We are raising awareness and prioritizing breast health.

Education is the Key to Prevention
Know the risk factors associated with an INCREASED risk for breast cancer:
  • Hormonal factors influence your risk for breast cancer. Speak with your physician about your personal risk associated with hormonal therapies.
  • Reproductive factors associated with a higher breast cancer risk include earlier onset of menstruation, not giving birth or having first child later in life, and a late menopause.
  • Family history and genetic mutations. The risk of breast cancer is affected by the number of first-degree female relatives diagnosed with breast cancer and the age at which they were diagnosed.
  • The highest breast cancer risk occurs among White women (although it remains he most common cancer among women of every major ethnic/racial group).
Know how to DECREASE your risk for breast cancer:
  • Breastfeeding. For every 12 months of breastfeeding there is an approximate 4% reduction in the relative risk of breast cancer.
  • Increased physical activity at all ages lowers risk.
  • Routine screening and regular self-breast exams

Empower yourself to take proactive steps for your breast health and well-being.

How Prioritizing Your Well-Being Can Transform Your Life

2023-09-11T14:01:00+00:00September 11th, 2023|Adults, Direct Primary Care, Mental Health|


We all lead full lives, but are we really “too busy” to prioritize ourselves first? It can be hard to prioritize our own well-being when we have so many other seemingly “more important” obligations. Sometimes, it feels like there is “not enough time” to get it all done and some might just choose to skip the self-care piece. I have been in your shoes and had that thought… “I am just too busy.”

What if there was plenty of time? What would that feel like?

Would you focus your attention and spend time on the things that brought you joy intentionally? Would the endless “to do” task list in life feel less like a “checklist” burden and instead become a source of meaning and purpose in all the activities of your day?

I understand how balancing parenting, work, and our own growth can seem impossible and leave you feeling like you cannot do a great job in one area without compromising other areas.

We all have unique challenges that serve as a catalyst for our own personal growth and evolution ….and we learn from those experiences.… but WHAT we learn is actually the most important. Alone, we are limited… we can only teach ourselves what we already know. But the brain is truly an amazing organ… it is malleable, teachable, and trainable. Our thoughts and perspective actually have the ability to completely change our lives even when our circumstances remain pretty much the same. Questioning our thoughts and beliefs about what is “true” gives us the ability to adopt new habits that help us grow and thrive rather than merely survive. Knowing that “what we focus on grows” gives us the gift of being able to gather up our experiences from the past and move forward in the direction of our dreams.

Ready to Embrace Positive Change and Unleash Your Full Potential?

Take the First Step Toward a Life Filled with Meaning and Purpose!

“When my thinking changed, my life changed.”

When I look at my “to do list” today, I view it as something I “get to do” instead of something “I have to do.” I prioritize time for self-care and self-development and become a more focused and productive participant in my own life. TIME is our most valuable resource. When we know exactly how we want to spend it, we can live a life filled with meaning and purpose.

Self-care is the foundation for success in all the areas of your life. Filling your own cup first so that you can serve others is not selfish…. it is necessary.

Self-care is the foundation for success in all the areas of your life. Filling your own cup first so that you can serve others is not selfish…. it is necessary.

Discover Health Sharing Plans (HSP)

2023-09-04T13:25:27+00:00September 4th, 2023|Adults, Community, Direct Primary Care, Health Care, Public Health, Uncategorized|

Navigating Health Care Alternatives:

Health Sharing Plans and Direct Primary Care

Insurance costs are increasing and have become a growing source of stress for individuals and families.  Many are not aware there is another alternative—and it’s called health care sharing plans. Health sharing plans (HSP), also known as medical cost sharing, can save you and your family a lot of money on healthcare. We review the basics of these plans and explore how they differ from traditional insurance coverage.

WE are doing health care differently at Roots Health Direct Primary Care…..

Health Sharing Plans (HSP): How It Works

Members in an HSP “share” medical costs. As part of an HSP, you are responsible for paying an initial unshareable amount (IUA) each month (like a premium). There is also an “annual unshared amount” (like a deductible) that your medical expenses must exceed before the plan shares your expenses.

Health care sharing can be great for people who:

  • Are generally in good health
  • Are not eligible for a tax credit based on income
  • Lack access to insurance through an employer or government program
  • Only want/need catastrophic coverage
  • Can’t afford current health insurance premiums

HSP vs Health Insurance

The Pros:

  • HCP counts as insurance under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), even though they are not insurance. This allows for affordable healthcare benefits while avoiding the tax penalty for going uninsured.
  • HSP are provided at a much lower monthly cost.
  • The annual “unshared amount” is much, much lower than deductibles for insurance plans.
  • You have any choice of provider. There are no network requirements. If you pay out-of-pocket, health sharing plans reimburse your expense.

The Cons:

  • Health care sharing plans are not required to cover pre-existing conditions at the time of enrollment such as cancer, diabetes, or smoking. Those who have them may be declined membership or won’t have the conditions fully covered for a year or more.
  • Health care sharing also doesn’t typically cover the essential health benefits like wellness exams or mental health counseling.

HSP and Direct Primary Care work well together

The DPC will meet vast majority of a person’s primary health care needs and any urgent care needs for a low monthly fee without copays or deductibles. DPC will ensure access to high quality low cost laboratories, medications , and consultations with specialists. You receive higher quality care with better access to your physician without waiting.

Experience Comprehensive Care Now at Roots Health DPC

Affordable Medications

2023-08-28T12:51:05+00:00August 28th, 2023|Adults, Direct Primary Care, Families, Family Medicine, Family Practice, Health Care, Prescription Costs, Uncategorized|

Are Medications Affordable?

Medications do not need to be expensive.

Out-of-pocket costs for medications have skyrocketed.  We know patients are sick of trying to figure out how to get medications at a reasonable cost.  At Roots Health DPC, we are making medications easily affordable for our patients. How?

We buy medications at wholesale cost – and pass that value to our patients…without marking them up. We remove the middleman, pharmacy benefit managers/retail pharmacies, that come between patients and their medications. We have effectively lowered the cost of prescriptions by 50% to 90% for our patients.

Here are Just a few Examples of Medications for Under $5/month









We’re rewriting the script on healthcare by offering medications directly to you at discounted rates.

A Simple Solution for a “Complex” Problem

DPC stands for Direct Primary Care – we deliver health care services, including medications, directly to our patients. We provide medications at discounted rates because we know everyone deserves fair pricing on the medications they require to stay healthy. We are uniquely qualified to partner with our patients to determine which medications will best treat their medical conditions and ensure they receive those medications at a reasonable price.

Learn more about how Roots Health DPC is transforming health care for the better.

Retinoids: Your Skin Care Essential

2023-08-21T13:14:56+00:00August 21st, 2023|Adults, Direct Primary Care, Families, Family Medicine, Health Care, Public Health|

Skin Care Routines: The Lowdown on Retinoids

As we age, collagen production slows… causing wrinkles and signs of aging. Eating a diet rich in anti-oxidants, staying hydrated, using daily facial sunscreen and moisturizer are all critical components for a healthy skin care routine. Today we look at retinoids as a basic foundation for anti-aging skin care routines.

What are retinoids?

A derivative of vitamin A, retinoids can tackle everything from fine lines and pigmentation to acne. They achieve this by boosting the turnover rate of skin cells. Retinoids accelerate the rate of skin cell division and new cell growth which helps thicken the top layer. Retinols and other retinoids also work deep in the skin’s dermis layer to stimulate collagen and elastin production. These skin proteins naturally decrease with time, leading to thinning skin and other visible signs of aging. Boosting their production, then, allows retinoids to offer pro-aging support.

What’s Retinol?

When it comes to retinol and retinoids, plenty of people get a little confused — but with good reason. These two anti-aging ingredients aren’t entirely different. In fact, retinol is a sub-type of retinoid.

From reducing the appearance of wrinkles to easing the effects of sun damage retinoids can offer plenty of skin benefits. Retinoids most often describe more powerful prescription products, while retinol generally refers to weaker over-the-counter (OTC) formulas. OTC formulas tend to be less drying but they are still effective… if used consistently over long periods of time.

Feeling confident in our skin is an important part of well-being. At Roots Health DPC we support our patients on their wellness journey.

Should you use retinoid or retinol?

Before deciding, you’ll want to consider your skin type and the severity of the problem you’re trying to treat. Retinols are generally recommended for dry skin as they tend to be less drying and often are formulated with hydration ingredients.

Side effects of retinoids including irritation, redness, burning suggest an overly aggressive routine and can occur if you do not “ease your way” into retinoid use by starting slowly.

Contraindications to all retinoids include pregnancy, lactating, or trying to conceive.

How to use retinoids?

WHEN to put them into your skin care routine: at night after washing with a gentle cleanser. Start 3 nights per week and increase to daily after a few weeks if your skin can tolerate.

HOW to apply: use a pea-size amount when face is dry. Apply moisturizer afterward to avoid irritation. Using sunscreen on a daily basis is a MUST while applying retinoids.

ANYTHING ELSE? Check the ingredient list of your other skin care products, as retinoids can interact with other formulas and should not be used with benzoyl peroxide for example.

Combining retinoids with ethyl alcohol or acidic products, can dry out your skin and lead to redness and irritation.

If you have dry skin, creamier formulas can offer more hydration. If you have normal, oily, or combination skin, you might prefer a thinner gel consistency.

We are accepting a limited number of new patients.

No waiting. Healthcare delivered when you need it.
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