70-80% of women will have Human Papilomaviurs, HPV, at some point in their lifetime. If it’s so common…. why does it matter?
HPV, is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI) and HPV can cause cervical cancer.
So what can you do about it?
Putting CARE back in Health Care
What are the symptoms of HPV?
Most people with HPV do not have any symptoms which is why women need Pap smears.
HPV can sometimes cause genital warts. Some strains can cause cervical cancer.
Who should get tested for HPV at the time of their pap smear?
Most women younger than 30 do not get HPV testing, because the immune system often eradicates HPV. However, if their pap is abnormal an HPV test may be indicated.
Women 30 years or older, can be offered HPV test and Pap together to screen for cervical cancer.
How can I prevent HPV?
Get the HPV vaccine early, before age 26.
Avoid sexual contact and limit number of total partners.
Do I still need a Pap test if I got the HPV vaccine?
Yes. This is why:
Although the HPV vaccine protects against many of the HPV types that cause cervical cancer, it does not prevent all HPV types that cause cervical cancer.
You might not be fully protected if you did not get all the vaccine doses (or at the recommended ages).
You might not fully benefit from the vaccine if you were vaccinated after getting one or more types of HPV.