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Gift of Peace of Mind

2023-12-25T14:00:26+00:00December 25th, 2023|Adults, Direct Primary Care, Family Medicine, Health Care, Public Health, Uncategorized|

Give the Gift of Peace of Mind: Your Time is the Present

In the spirit of the season, give yourself and your family the gift of year-round peace of mind. Time is a precious, especially during the holidays. Managing health concerns shouldn’t add unnecessary stress to your life.

Your Time is Valuable

In the midst of holiday chaos, every minute counts. Balancing work, family, and unexpected health issues can feel like a never-ending juggle. As a working parent, I understand the challenges of carrying the mental load and strive to help you reclaim your time.

Immediate Health Support

Picture this: “My son has a sore throat and fever; I’ve reached out to his doctor’s office and am waiting for a call back.” Your health concerns should be addressed promptly. As your physician, I’m here to provide immediate answers to your health questions via text, allowing you to swiftly address concerns and get back to the joy of the season.

Make the gift of peace of mind last all year long. Discover the ease of Direct Primary Care, making healthcare straightforward and stress-free.

Effortless Healthcare Solutions

“My daughter cut open her foot. Urgent care or ER?” Waiting for a callback or spending hours in a waiting room is not an option for busy families. We handle these situations promptly, ensuring your family’s health is prioritized without unnecessary delays.

Streamlined Doctor Visits

“I’m constantly tired, but scheduling a doctor’s appointment is daunting.” We’ve simplified the process. Booking a convenient time that suits your schedule is all it takes – no waiting room hassles. This isn’t too good to be true; it’s a reality we offer year-round.

This season, take a step towards a healthier, stress-free year. Schedule a free consultation with us and experience the gift of peace of mind.

holiday stress

2024-01-20T20:07:12+00:00December 16th, 2023|Adults, Direct Primary Care, Health Care, Public Health, Uncategorized|

5 Tips for a Stress-Free Holiday Season

I am at the point in my life where I Just want soak up and enjoy the holidays with my family as much as I can. I don’t want to spend time with any negative energy.

Let us help you live a stress-free life.

Check out Roots Health Direct Primary Care!

The following are by best tips for doing just that:

1. Adjust Expectations:

Don’t aim for perfection. Families evolve, traditions change. Feelings are not facts…focus on what truly matters and allow yourself the space to process those feelings.

Maintain Healthy Habits:

Keep basic routines intact to avoid holiday chaos. Prioritize:

  • Sufficient sleep
  • Balanced meals
  • Moderate alcohol consumption
  • Regular physical activity
  • Any relaxation techniques: breathing, meditation, or yoga.

2. Prioritize Self-Care:

Carve out time for yourself first. Engage in activities that bring joy, be it a walk or getting a massage. This rejuvenating practice can give you the boost you need to handle holiday demands.

3. Learn to Say “No”:

It’s okay to decline invitations or activities beyond your capacity. Remember, ‘No’ is a complete sentence. If overwhelmed, remove less essential tasks from your agenda to free up time for more self-care.

4. Seek Support:

Reach out to trusted friends, family, or even a therapist. Utilize coping tools to process feelings. Remember, you’re never alone.

Causes, Treatments, and Complications

2023-12-11T13:21:12+00:00December 11th, 2023|Adults, Families, Family Medicine, Family Practice, Health Care, Public Health|

Heartburn: WHAT it is and WHY it happens

Heartburn, commonly known as indigestion, can occur after we eat. Acidic stomach contents can squeeze back up into the esophagus, causing reflux—a burning sensation behind the breastbone that we experience as heartburn.

What are Common Causes of Heartburn?

  • Eating a large meal
  • Excessive consumption of coffee or alcohol
  • Pressure on stomach (from vigorous exercise after eating or advanced pregnancy)

We’re putting CARE back in healthcare.

How to deal with occasional heartburn?

For occasional heartburn in healthy individuals, simple measures such as taking antacids and avoiding lying down after a meal are often sufficient.

What if Heartburn is Persistent? A more targeted approach may be necessary.

  • In Overweight People: heartburn can be improved through weight loss.
  • Smoking cessation lowers symptoms of heartburn
  • Avoiding certain foods that provoke heartburn like caffeine, alcohol, and fats.
  • Elevating the head of the bed can improve symptoms

Looking for an Individualized Wellness Approach?

You should always speak to your physician about your symptoms and be evaluated for any complications

Are there any serious complications from heartburn?

Ongoing chronic esophageal exposure to gastric juices can lead to complications such as:

1. Esophagitis: Inflammation of the esophagus

2. Ulceration: Bleeding, scarring, and stricture (narrowing) of the esophagus

3. Barrett’s esophagus: A pre-cancerous condition associated with an increased risk of lower esophagus cancer.


2023-11-27T14:32:43+00:00November 27th, 2023|Uncategorized|

Habits: Directing Your Life Intentionally

Our brains are the most amazing organ. It organizes and integrates an incredible amount of data quickly… allowing us to operate on “auto-pilot” for much of our day. Our brains create well worn pathways so that we can do routine tasks without shifting our focus to them. How to harness the strength of this amazing gift and create the life we want? By understanding HOW to intentionally form our habits.

What is a habit?

Habits are behaviors we perform on a regular basis where some component of the behavior is considered “automatic.” Forming new habits requires repetition.

Developing desired healthy habits is something we can direct our brain to do.

Dr Diaz works with patients to help them build habits and reach their goals.

Habits are pathways in the brain that have formed through repetition. The repetitive pattern starts with a cue from the environment which triggers a behavioral response and is reinforced with a reward. The well known Pavlov’s Experiment demonstrates the principle.

In order to create a new, healthy habit—or even to break a bad habit—you must be as intentional as possible with all three parts: cue, behavior, reward. Manipualting our environment to introduce cues to intentionally associate with a desired behavior and reinforce with a reward is the foundation.

Changing your life habits can be simpler than you may think. With a few tricks, you can gain or lose any habits you’d like.

Understanding these tips will help you stick to healthy habits and break bad ones as you work toward your health and wellness goals. Focus on the cue.

In order to create new habits, we need to focus on the cue, NOT the behavior.

Let’s say you want to start practice daily meditation. Instead of focusing on time meditating, focus on developing the routine around the practice of meditation.

Choose a cue that already occurs regularly in your daily life, such as drinking morning coffee. While developing your meditation habit, focus effort on getting ready to meditate while you brew the coffee. Meditate for 2 minutes. Reward yourself with the coffee afterwards.

Develop the habit of prepping for meditation. Don’t focus on the behavior… you can start with 2 minutes and gradually build up to your targeted time.

After a while, you’ll start to notice that when you get up to get coffee (environmental cue), it takes little to no effort to mediate (habitual response).

You may even start to look forward to it…and feel something in your life is off when you do not meditate…. And that’s the power of habit!

HABITS VS GOALS – Don’t confuse habits with goals.
Goals are great, but putting habits in place that move you toward your goals are key. The goal is the destination and the habit is the journey. Build healthy habits by starting today.

Are you looking for a wellness solution that encompasses all your health needs?

Space is limited.

Sore throat

2023-11-20T14:17:53+00:00November 20th, 2023|Adults, Family Medicine, Family Practice, Health Care, Public Health, Uncategorized|

Soothing a Sore Throat…. Be in the Know this Winter.

Pharyngitis, commonly known as a sore throat, is a symptom that signals an infection involving the back of the throat.

Signs of pharyngitis include:

  • Sore, dry, or scratchy throat
  • Pain with swallowing
  • Redness/Inflammation of the throat
What causes Pharyngitis?
The most common cause for sore throat is a virus (such as the common cold, influenza, mononucleosis, yes …even covid). Viral infections don’t respond to antibiotics, and treatment is only necessary to help relieve symptoms.
Less commonly, pharyngitis is caused by a bacterial infection. These infections require antibiotics. The most common bacterial infection is strep throat. It is imperative not to leave strep throat untreated, especially in children.
How is pharyngitis diagnosed?

Physical exam

If you’re experiencing symptoms of pharyngitis, your doctor will check your throat looking for white patches, swelling, and redness and check for swollen lymph nodes in your neck. You should report any fever or cough as well.

Throat culture

If your doctor suspects that you have strep throat, they will likely take a rapid strep test in the office which can give you a result for strep throat in a few minutes. In some cases, a swab culture is sent to a lab for further testing.

Blood tests

If another cause of your pharyngitis is suspected, your doctor may order blood work looking for specific infections, such as mononucleosis or they may perform a COVID or flu test.

We are putting CARE back in Healthcare

What can you do at home?
If a virus is causing your pharyngitis, there are things you can do at home that can help relieve symptoms:
  • drinking plenty of fluids/ pedialyte popsicles
  • gargling with warm salt water (1 teaspoon of salt per 8 ounces of water)
  • using a humidifier
  • resting until you feel better
  • throat lozenges can sooth pain
Medical treatment
For pain and fever relief, consider taking over-the-counter medication such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen after speaking with your doctor.
If the infection is caused by strep or another bacterial infection, antibiotics are necessary. Amoxicillin and penicillin are the most commonly prescribed treatments for strep throat. It is important that you take the entire course of antibiotics for strep throat to prevent complications such as rheumatic fever.
How can you prevent pharyngitis?
  • avoid sharing food, drinks, and eating utensils
  • avoid individuals who are sick
  • wash your hands often, especially before eating and after coughing or sneezing
  • use alcohol-based hand sanitizers
  • avoid smoking and inhaling secondhand smoke
When to Seek Care
Let your doctor know right away if you are having a sore throat so that they can guide you on the next steps for evaluation of cause and best treatment options.

Looking for a doctor that you can text to reach quickly?

tips to prevent eczema flares

2023-11-13T13:53:38+00:00November 13th, 2023|Adults, Health Care, Public Health|

Winter is Coming:

5 Tips to Combat Dry Sensitive Skin!

What is the largest organ in your body? SKIN! It is a protective shield and plays a crucial role in fending off infections. When this defensive layer is compromised… you can develop dryness, discomfort, and swelling. These are indicators that your skin is in need of care! To steer clear of such problems, adhere to these 5 recommendations to prevent flares…

Can you text your doctor for help…ANYTIME.. ANYWHERE?

Avoid Irritants

Highly sensitive skin is prone to irritation with perfumes, dyes, and chemicals found in everyday household products. The trick is to use hypoallergenic and fragrance-free products. Minimize flare-ups and itching by using fragrance-free soaps, shampoos, and detergents.

Be Temperature Aware

Pay attention to temperature and humidity. Take shorter baths with luke-warm temperature water. Avoid exposure to extreme heat/cold and wear 100% cotton allowing skin to breath. This helps with overheating and excessive sweating which can trigger a flare-up.


Unscented fragrance free moisturizers such as Cerave should be used regularly. Aquaphor can be used for tougher areas.

Supplement with Vitamin D

Vitamin D supplementation and direct sun exposure can lessen the severity of eczema symptoms and support your skin barrier and immune system. Vitamin D supplementation is a safe and tolerable therapy.

Partner with your physician

With eczema-friendly skin care and trigger management you can avoid eczema flares. Create a custom-tailored treatment plan that can include topical medications, specialized dressings, oral medications, or UV light therapy each of which has unique risks/benefits.

At Roots Health DPC we are putting CARE back in healthcare

HPV: Do you know the FACTS?

2023-11-07T08:35:42+00:00November 6th, 2023|Adults, Direct Primary Care, Families, Family Medicine, Family Practice, Health Care, Public Health|


70-80% of women will have Human Papilomaviurs, HPV, at some point in their lifetime. If it’s so common…. why does it matter?

HPV, is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI) and HPV can cause cervical cancer.

So what can you do about it?

Putting CARE back in Health Care

What are the symptoms of HPV?
Most people with HPV do not have any symptoms which is why women need Pap smears.
HPV can sometimes cause genital warts. Some strains can cause cervical cancer.
Who should get tested for HPV at the time of their pap smear?
  • Most women younger than 30 do not get HPV testing, because the immune system often eradicates HPV. However, if their pap is abnormal an HPV test may be indicated.
  • Women 30 years or older, can be offered HPV test and Pap together to screen for cervical cancer.
How can I prevent HPV?
Get the HPV vaccine early, before age 26.
Avoid sexual contact and limit number of total partners.
Do I still need a Pap test if I got the HPV vaccine?
Yes. This is why:
  • Although the HPV vaccine protects against many of the HPV types that cause cervical cancer, it does not prevent all HPV types that cause cervical cancer.
  • You might not be fully protected if you did not get all the vaccine doses (or at the recommended ages).
  • You might not fully benefit from the vaccine if you were vaccinated after getting one or more types of HPV.

Looking for a doctor you know and trust that is easy to access?

Open Enrollment is Here

2023-10-30T14:03:30+00:00October 30th, 2023|Direct Primary Care, Family Medicine, Family Practice, Health Care, Public Health, Special Offer, Uncategorized|

What Your Open Enrollment is Missing!

Year after year, we pay more for our health insurance and receive less. Frustrated and overwhelmed trying to obtain the care needed and getting it covered by insurance… many have resigned themselves to the status quo. But we all deserve better. With open enrollment around the corner… now you have another choice.

Can you imagine if getting the care you needed was as easy as sending a text message to your doctor? What if you had an advocate to help you navigate and ensure your well-being was the top priority. We are putting the care back into healthcare and giving you all the power to make choices that will benefit your health and well-being. It’s time to get what you are paying for.


At Roots Health DPC, we help patients plan ahead, calculate projected yearly expenses, and choose an option that will save on out-of-pocket insurance costs while providing higher quality personalized care.


Direct Primary Care eliminates the hassle of traditional insurance-based care. With a low monthly fee, you gain direct access to the vast majority of your health care services. Enjoy more time with your physician, same-day and next-day appointments. No copays or hidden fees. Work directly with your DPC physician to obtain tremendous savings on all medications, labs, and imaging.

This year during open enrollment, let’s look at ALL your options.

Choose the best plan to meet your healthcare needs:
It’s your money.
It’s your healthcare.
It’s your choice.

Obtain the health care you deserve.

Don’t miss your opportunity this time around. Join the Roots Health DPC family today!

Early detection saves lives

2023-10-23T13:30:48+00:00October 23rd, 2023|Adults, Direct Primary Care, Families, Family Medicine, Family Practice, Health Care, Public Health|

Breast Cancer Warning Signs

Breast Cancer Screening is for women without symptoms. However, if you notice any signs of breast cancer you should see your doctor for an evaluation promptly regardless of when you were last screened.

Our patients have unlimited access. Anything. Anytime. Anywhere.

The warning signs of Breast Cancer:

1. If you notice a lump that feels firm or fixed in the breast or underarm area.

2. Swelling, warmth, redness or darkening of the breast skin.

3. Change in the size or shape of the breast including dimpling or puckering of skin.

4. Nipple retraction or change in position of nipple.

5. Discharge from your nipple.

Although the vast majority of breast cancers are found through abnormal mammograms, up to 30% of breast cancer patients present with a mass that occurs between mammograms.

Being proactive in your health choices improves your well-being.

Your Breast Cancer Screening Plan

2023-10-16T12:52:45+00:00October 16th, 2023|Adults, Direct Primary Care, Family Medicine, Family Practice, Health Care|

Breast Cancer Awareness Month – Screening

One out of eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Do you know which screening test is best and when to start screening for breast cancer?

We are fostering awareness and prioritizing breast health.

There are many different screening tests for breast cancer and are varying recommendations from different organizations. Education with individualized planning (based on your personal risk for breast cancer) can help determine the best screening test for you.

-Mammography is the most common screening test for breast cancer
A mammogram is a low-dose X-ray of your breasts and can find cancer early.
Different experts have varying advice for when to initiate screening and how frequently to screen average-risk women ages 40 to 49. Everyone agrees that minimum screening should occur at least every 2 years between ages of 50-74.
For average-risk women screening mammography can be performed every one to two years based on patient preference.
-Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be used to screen women who have a high risk of breast cancer
MRI is a procedure that uses a magnet, radio waves, and a computer to make a series of detailed pictures. MRI does not use any x-rays and there is no exposure to radiation.
Ultrasound is used in women with moderately increased risk factors (based on breast density, reproductive history, and hormonal history), breast ultrasound in conjunction with mammogram or a MRI can be considered on an individual basis.

Empower Your Breast Health: Discover the Best Screening Options

No waiting. Healthcare delivered when you need it.
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